Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Friends No Longer

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Your shoulder was always ready whenever my mouth gave a yawn.
You're ready to slash lectures whenever I was being stubborn.
I trusted my life to you. Twice, you saved mine. You know the real me.
My likes and dislikes. What made me laugh. What made me tick.
What made my asthma trigger. What made my tummy quiver.

You saw me on my lowest. I saw you on your glory.
You reached for me with tears on your eyes.
Appreciative smile, was plastered on face.
I loved it when you're just a phone call away.
You came to my rescue, whenever, where ever.

We had our date nights as friends, movie, dinner, coffee.
We even had our out-of-towns, staycations, and adventures.
Sleeping together, side by side, slowly massaging my palm.
Making sure all my stress, fatigue, and worries are gone.
But one thing I never anticipated. I fell for you.......hard.

Almost biting my tongue til it bled to not tell you.
Still, I managed to confess and pour my heart so true.
Your music entrances me. Your voice pulls me out of my misery.
But beyond all these, it was your care, concern, and kindness
that got hold of my already broken and fragile heart.

No is the answer I received.
No is the word that will remain etched in my heart.
It hurts, I get it. Truth could really impair a person.
You said nothing will change. That hurts more.
Everything changed. We changed. We're friends no  longer.

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